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Alex heads new specialist house clean service
Construction management graduate Alex Boucher has been appointed to manage Clean Estates’ new specialist three stage house clean service which covers properties through their various stages of building. Read more

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Clean Estates wins national Little Chef contract

Clean Estates has won the contract to handle the landscaping and grounds maintenance for all stand alone Little Chefs in England, Scotland and Wales.

The work will see Clean Estates teams make regular visits to each restaurant between spring and autumn this year.
The work will involve grass cutting, hedge trimming, weeding, litter collection, bin emptying and sweeping to create a pleasant and inviting environment for Little Chef's thousands of customer

Jason Whetton, landscaping development manager from Clean Estates explained: "Little Chef is a universally recognised brand,and Clean Estates were delighted to be chosen by the Little Chef management team to support the brand refresh currently being rolled out across the UK."